Facebook and the filtered post
Have you noticed your favorite Facebook pages reaching out to you to share their posts? Saying that Facebook is limiting their reach and they need your help to reach all their followers? Or are you marketing your business through Facebook and are desperate to figure out a way around this wall? A recent article from offer pop shares some techniques for “Thriving after Facebook’s reach decline”.
After Facebook changed its algorithm, that determines what content is displayed for users, the reach of page posts for large brands has dropped, from a reported 16% two years ago, to as low as 2% today. Facebook claims that they did this because people were posting more than their followers could read. Many marketers find that their invested time and resources spent nurturing their audience is being wasted.
Now it is recommended that you focus more on the metrics that matter. Optimize your Facebook content for engagement, click throughs and conversions. Share your Facebook posts on other forms of social media: Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, etc.
Quick Tips
- Post about your sales. Mix normal updates with your latest offers.
- Try everything – photos, videos, links, status updates.
- Avoid calls to action (like this, share this post). Facebook considers this like-baiting and may penalize your post.
- Share links. News feeds with links are preferred. Facebook will even repost posts that are commented on!
- Interact with your audience. Like their comments, reply to questions, ask questions… know them and create content you know they will share.
- create regular contests and giveaways to promote sharing. Offer the incentive of more chances to win if you share our post etc.
- Run more photo contests. These tend to rack up engagement.
- Partner with like-minded brands. Businesses can now tag brands in their posts for a wider reach! Use this by running partner campaigns.
- ### If you want to unify your cross network promotions use branded hashtags. Consider embedding your hashtag campaigns on your website. Monitor and showcase real time responses to your campaign through a branded collection published on a landing page on your website.
- Collect emails as part of the campaign and use them for future promotions. Follow up with a targeted email offer.
- Extend the reach of your emails by making them social, Create web versions of your emails and include a share button
- Track which posts drive the most visits to your site and replicate them.
Facebook is the most popular social network, we all know that. But don’t let that be your only platform. Many brands are finding successful marketing on other social networks. For the complete article or more tips visit: