Social Media is a Powerful Tool!
Just to recap, According to good old Wikipedia, “Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.” Popular social media sites include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and Google+, but many others are used by people all over the world.
(Photo from Earthlink Blog)
Social media
has proven its efficiency. It can be a vital tool in the most critical areas of almost any company. It’s simply a matter of figuring out “HOW” social media can work for your business. Here are some of the important sectors of your business and how using social media can help these critical areas thrive.
One can use social media to develop an online relationship with customers and potential customers in the business’ target market.. Use networking and warm introductions to connect with persons via social. Salespersons can use social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter as a primary sales tool if they choose. “Sales are the key to success of any company and social media is the key to business development in a mobile-social world”, stated Sandler.
Human Resource (HR)
HR managers can use social media to check the background of applicants and to find talented, skillful potential employees. Sandler says, “In fact, social media has become a place where HR people have truly taken the lead. Understanding the high demand for great talent as a competitive edge, HR pros have taken to social media sites like LinkedIn almost like teenagers to texting.”
Public Relations (PR)
Social media can be used to post about events before, during and after. These can include photos, links, discounts and much more. PR is where social media shows its true colors. It can be utilized to manage the reputation of companies and can be a tool for building fans around your brand. With this tool you keep your fans entertained, informed and always thinking about your brand when shopping. Social media can be used for these examples and much more.
Social media allows you to easily share content from your website and anywhere else on the internet. You can use this to share valuable content and create interest around your company or brand. Social media allows for more engagement than most other marketing platforms. Social signals can impact your SEO efforts as well! There are many opportunities to take advantage of.
Big Boss
Sandler says, “Finally, the head-honcho, the CEO, C-suite or board member who wants to share his or her thought-leadership. Social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube give way for executives to build and grow visibility around their personal brands (with the help of their PR and marketing teams).”
Click here to read more about how social media can support critical areas of your company.